THERE ARE NO LOCAL & / OR ADEQUATE COMPOSTING FACILITIES AVAILABLE? All compostable products can either be disposed of in the garden / organic / food waste stream or in the general waste where all contaminated / “recyclable unsure” waste is disposed of. Either...
There are the terms “Industrial Compostable” and “Home Compostable”, which can create confusion. The difference between the two is the environment required for a compostable product to successfully decompose within a predetermined time frame as determined by...
“COMPOSTABLE” VS “BIODEGRADABLE” VS “RECYCLABLE / REUSABLE” VS “DEGRADABLE” Written by Frank McDouall, Director, Bonnie Bio COMPOSTABLE “Compostable” by definition means that a material is able to decompose back into...
HOME COMPOSTABILITY VS INDUSTRIAL COMPOSTABILITY Written by Frank McDouall, Director, Bonnie Bio There are 3 dominant internationally recognised compostability certification institutions, namely: TUV, Biodegradable Products Institute and DIN CERTCO; and then there is...
AIRBORNE MICROPLASTICS HAVE BEEN DISCOVERED IN THE PYRENEES MOUNTAINS Airborne microplastics have been discovered in the most remote regions of the Pyrenees Mountains, which was previously considered pristine wilderness. The nearest major city, Toulouse, is about...
PLA PLASTICS ARE DEFINED AS BIOPLASTICS Most plastics are derived from the distillation and polymerization of nonrenewable petroleum reserves, but Polylactic Acid (PLA) is different. Instead of traditional petroleum, PLA utilises renewable resources like corn starch...